Investigation of Electromagnetic Shielding Efficiency of Carbon Fiber and Particle Reinforced Polymer Composites for C-Band Electromagnetic Waves, Project no: 222M403 (Priccipal Investigator, Budget: 60000 TL, Completed)
Determination of electromagnetic and thermal properties of geo-polymer covering and wall materials powered by fiber produced with Bayburt stone and development of new covering materials absorbing-reflecting or conducting electromagnetic wave, Project no: 217M431 (Researcher, Budget: 377000 TL, Completed).
Localization of Emitters by Exploiting Multipath, Project no: 118E157 (Researcher, Budget: 305000 TL, Completed)
Determination of Optimum Receiver Location and Height with Developing Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Model Using High Performance Computing, Project no: 215E360. ( Principal Investigator, Budget: 100000 TL, Completed)
Development of a Deep Learning-Based Dynamic UTD Model and Coverage map for multiple diffraction secenarios, Project no: 242N002. (Principal Investigator, Budget: 150000 TL, Ongoing)
3D Coverage mapping, Project no: 211N017. (Principal Investigator, Budget: 20000 TL, Completed)
Analyzing of radiation of high frequency electromagnetic wave sources in some situations, Project no: 182N17. (Principal Investigator, Budget: 15000 TL, Completed )
Usage of Neurosky EEG biosensor in Education, Project no: 2016 / 01-021 (Principal Investigator, Budget: 4500 TL, Completed )
Development of Medium Access Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks with IoT, Project no: 210Y013. Sami AÇIK ( Budget: 4500 TL, Completed)
Electromagnetic Shielding in Avionic Systems and Development of a Carbon Fiber Composit Material for Aircrafts, Project no: 200Y013. Yücel COŞKUN (Budget: 8000 TL, Completed)
EEG Kontrollü Yarış Arabası, Burak KAYA, Halit Buğra YILDIRIM, Işıl DURSUN, Musab ELFAKİ, TÜBİTAK 2209A Projesi Proje no: 1919B012316428 (Budget: 9000 TL, Ongoing)
Hava araçları için karbon fiber ve cam fiber takviyeli kompozit malzeme üretimi, Enes BEŞİNCİ, TÜBİTAK 2209A Projesi Proje no: 1919B012110339 (Budget: 4000 TL, Completed)
BTU Teleskop, Saadet Bahar, Beyza Ürer, Rabia Bengüsu AKDOĞAN, TÜBİTAK 2209A Projesi Proje no: 1919B012003743 (Budget: 2500 TL, Completed)
Beyin Dalgaları Kontrollü Maket Tekerlekli Sandalye Tasarlanması, Bayram FIŞKIN, İsmail Zengin, İsmail Varol, Emirhan YÜKSEL, TÜBİTAK 2209A Projesi Proje no: 1919B012004168 (Budget: 2500 TL, Completed)
SaTurn Model Uydu Tasarımı, Bahtiyar Bayram, Hüseyin Tarık Niş, Ahmet Mahmut Erken, Yağızhan Özdemir, BTU BAP Project no: 200T001. (Budget: 5000 TL, Completed)
Modüler Mikrodenetleyici Geliştirme Kartı, Bahtiyar Bayram, TÜBİTAK 2209A Projesi Proje no: 1919B011902467 (Budget: 2300 TL, Completed)
Tekerlekli sandalyenin beyin dalgalarıyla kontrol edilmesi, Mehmet Göllü, Bahtiyar Bayram, Alper Üzüm, BTU BAP Project no: 190T002 (Budget: 3500 TL, Completed )
Bursa Technical University Mimar Sinan Campus G-312, Bursa, 16, TR